
That Bowling Alley On The Tiber: Tales Of A Director

My Cinema My Experience Making a Film is My Way of Life Actors and Paradoxes A Talk with Antonioni on His Work Reflections on the Film Actor The Event and the Image Reality and Cinema Verite Preface to Six Films My Films Attempted Suicides: Suicides in the City The Girlfriends: Loyalty to Pavese L’avventura: The Adventures of L’avventura Red Desert: My Desert The White Forest Blow Up: It was born in London, but it is not an English film Zabriskie Point: What This Land Says to me A Conversation about Zabriskie Point Chung Kuo. Cina: Is it still possible to film a documentary?

THE ARCHITECTURE OF VISION. Writings and Interviews on Cinema. By Michelangelo Antonioni. BUY NOW FROM.