Respiratory Physiology Pdf The Essentials Of Political Analysis
This Fifth Edition of The Essentials of Political Analysis equips students with the skills to conduct political analysis and critically assess statistical.
This database is the online equivalent of print journal Abstracts in Anthropology. Several thousand abstracts, selected and classified, fully indexed by author and subject provide coverage of anthropological scholarship in all its subfields: cultural anthropology, physical anthropology, archaeology, and linguistics. Resource Type(s): Database Coverage Type: Citations & Abstracts Only Coverage Dates: 2003-Present (coverage varies by journal title) Access Restrictions: Access restricted to current Utica College Students, Faculty and Staff. TRIAL to Dec 31 2017 ACLS Humanities E-Book HEB is an online, fully searchable collection of 5,000 books of high quality in the humanities and related social sciences. Frequently cited in the literature, these titles are recommended by scholars and learned societies and include many prize-winning works.
Users may also access online book reviews from the major journals. Resource Type(s): Database Coverage Type: Full Text (Complete Database) Access Restrictions: Access restricted to current Utica College students, faculty and staff. AgeLine focuses exclusively on the population aged 50+ and issues of aging. AgeLine is the premier source for the literature of social gerontology and includes aging-related content from the health sciences, psychology, sociology, social work, economics, and public policy. AgeLine indexes over 200 journals, books, book chapters, and reports. Publication coverage is from 1978 to the present, with selected coverage from 1966-1977 Resource Type(s): Database Coverage Type: Citations, Abstracts & Full Text Coverage Dates: 1978-present Access Restrictions: Access restricted to current Utica College students, faculty and staff.
Amedeo is a free medical literature service that delivers current, personalized content to your desktop weekly. You select a topic and define a personalized journal subset. Then, once a week, you receive: (1) an Amedeo literature newsletter that includes an overview of new articles published in your personal journal subset; and, (2) a link to your updated personal Amedeo web page that displays abstracts extracted from your personal journal subset. Resource Type(s): Internet Resource Access Restrictions: Resource is free to all users.
The APS Journal Legacy Archive provides full text historical access to 13 American Physiological Society research journals from the first issue published through 1997. Journal titles may be browsed or searched (collectively and individually). Access peer reviewed, original research articles in the biological and medical fields. Please note: a free, one-time registration is required to search the BioMed Central site. UC Library does not maintain a subscription to access premium content.
All research articles are offered in full text at no charge. Review and commentary articles, web reports, image databases and evaluation services are available by subscription. Subject coverage includes: biology, geriatrics, health services research, medicine, psychiatry, public health, women's health, and many others. Resource Type(s): Database Coverage Type: Citations, Abstracts & Full Text Coverage Dates: Coverage varies by journal title Access Restrictions: Resource is free to all users.
UC Library does not maintain a subscription to access premium content. BioOne is an online aggregation of full text, high impact journals in the biological, ecological and environmental sciences. Articles in BioOne are full text and include illustrations and links from original printed articles.
BioOne journals are published by scholarly societies, museums and other organizations, many of which are members of the American Institute for Biological Sciences. Some full text e-journals include:. American Biology Teacher.
BioScience. Comparative Parasitology. Evolution. Journal of Paleontology. Wildlife Society Bulletin UC Library also offers BioOne Abstracts & Index, a complement to this resource that provides complete indexing and abstracting for the full text, online journal collection. The BioOne Abstracts & Index database offers more robust searching the web search interface and includes links to the online full text. Resource Type(s): Database Coverage Type: Full Text (Complete Database) Coverage Dates: Coverage varies by journal title Access Restrictions: Access restricted to current Utica College students, faculty and staff.
This business database provides global business, company and industry information. Business & Company Resource Center indexes over 4300 titles and includes full text content for more than 3000 of the indexed titles. This comprehensive business research database incorporates all disciplines and aspects of business and related fields. This database contains almost three times more full text content than competitive business resources. Business Source Premier provides full text coverage for over 8800 journals, including full text for more than 1100 peer-reviewed titles. More than 350 of the top scholarly journals are available in full text, most with back coverage to the first print volume.
Additional full text, non-journal content includes:. Market Research Reports. SWOT Analyses. Company Profiles for the world's 10,000 largest companies.
Industry Reports. Country Reports from EIU, Global Insight, ICON Group and CountryWatch Business Source Premier is updated daily. Resource Type(s): Database Coverage Type: Citations, Abstracts & Full Text Coverage Dates: 1965-Present (coverage varies by title) Access Restrictions: Access restricted to current Utica College students, faculty and staff.
Indexes and abstracts Latin American journals in the sciences and humanities. Produced by Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM), Clase and Periodica indexes over 2600 scholarly titles published in Spanish, Portuguese, French and English languages. Journals are drawn from 24 different countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, as wella s publications that focus on Pan-American issues. Clase indexes documents published in Latin American journals specializing in the social sciences and humanities. Periodica covers journals specializing in science and technology. Clase and Periodica is updated quarterly. Resource Type(s): Database Coverage Type: Citations & Abstracts Only Coverage Dates: Clase: 1975-Present; Periodica: 1978-Present Access Restrictions: Access restricted to current Utica College students, faculty and staff.
The Cochrane Collection Plus provides evidence-based health care data to inform those providing and receiving care, and those responsible for research, teaching, funding and administration. This collection consists of 6 individual databases that may be searched independently or in any combination. Browse or search the full list of UC subscribed EbscoHost databases.
Respiratory Physiology The Essentials Pdf
To search multiple databases at once, select each from the Choose Database screen. Over 100,000 encyclopedia articles in full text, Encyclopedia Britannica Online Academic Edition via Utica College subscription provides comprehensive coverage in all academic disciplines for basic research. With content designed specifically colleges and universities, this database is an excellent resource for background information on projects in history, arts, society, humanities, geography, science and technology. Search education literature and resources using the ERIC EbscoHost interface. The database provides access to information from journals included in the Current Index of Journals in Education and Resources in Education Index. ERIC provides full text of more than 2,200 digests along with references for additional information and citations and abstracts from over 1,000 educational and education-related journals. Resource Type(s): Database Coverage Type: Citations, Abstracts & Full Text Coverage Dates: 1966-Present Access Restrictions: Access restricted to current Utica College students, faculty and staff.
Facts on File World News Digest provides authoritative world news from 1940 to the present. This contemporary and archival record of domestic and international news, covers all major political, social, and economic events since November 1940 through today. Features include:. Key news coverage with in-depth coverage guides for top ongoing stories. Primary source documents and special research features on high interest topics, taking researchers back into history and giving context to the news of the hour. Timelines, offering news written as it happened and providing perspective. Editorial cartoons plus thousands of maps, charts, graphs, and historic photographs Story indexes.
Need a Research Topic? Feature, offering summaries of suggested research topics, each with a linked list of articles World News Digest is updated twice weekly and includes a searchable hourly newsfeed. Resource Type(s): Database Coverage Type: Full Text (Complete Database) Coverage Dates: 1940-Present Access Restrictions: Access restricted to current Utica College students, faculty and staff.
Offers free, full text access to over 1450 medical journals. Journals may be browsed by title, specialty, or language. This site does not include a search engine. Subject areas covered include: basic sciences, biochemistry, biology, chemistry, clinical medicine, evidence based medicine, forensic medicine, geriatrics, legal medicine, microbiology, occupational medicine, pharmacology, pharmacy, physiology, psychiatry, psychology, rehabilitation, sports medicine and veterinary medicine Resource Type(s): Internet Resource Coverage Type: Full Text (Complete Database) Coverage Dates: Coverage varies by title Access Restrictions: Resource is free to all users. News and periodical articles on a wide range of topics: business, computers, current events, economics, education, environmental issues, health care, hobbies, humanities, law, literature and art, politics, science, social science, sports, technology, and many general interest topics.
Essentials Of Political Analysis Pdf
Millions of full-text articles, many with images. Updated daily. Resource Type(s): Database Coverage Type: Citations, Abstracts & Full Text Coverage Dates: 1980-present Access Restrictions: Access restricted to current Utica College students, faculty and staff. Established by the American Geological Institute, the GeoRef database provides comprehensive access to the geoscience literature of the world. The database indexes 3500+ journals as well as books, maps, conference papers, reports and theses. Subjects covered include:. Environmental and engineering geology.
Hydrology. Economic geology. Geophysics. Petrology. Paleontology.
Marine geology and oceanography. Mineralogy The GeoRef database covers the geology of North America from 1693 to present and the geology of the rest of the world from 1933 to present. Resource Type(s): Database Coverage Type: Citations & Abstracts Only Coverage Dates: North America coverage: 1693-Present; Worldwide coverage: 1933-Present Access Restrictions: Access restricted to current Utica College students, faculty and staff.
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