1. Ffolkes Unlocks Bf2 Downloads

2142 Single Player Experience (BF2142 S.P.EX) Started by Andy, but taken over by Dnamro and updated by SgtProf Full credits: AI for maps by Clivewell, Kysterama, Winterhill Shanejohn, EzPiKnZ, PC Load Letter, $noop, Frank Beans and Dnamro Original mod coordinator - Andy Mod offers better coop and singleplayer gameplay in larger map areas with more BF2142 sp/coop maps supported than the stock game. Ffolkes unlocks V2 allows the use of more weapons and abilities without restrictions. Bofors rifle included. Weapon stats are updated for more intense gameplay. AI has become challenging opponent for player.

Bots can use a much larger variety of weapons over the basic game. Mod also contain lots of visual and performance improvements to enhance vanilla game. Make sure that you're connected to the Internet and use your on-line account in order to access the customization screen.



Battlefield 2142 Extended Singleplayer mod. Ffolkes unlocks mod 1.02 good luck. Link to Battlefield 2142 Extended Singleplayer by selecting a button and. For Battlefield 2142 on the PC, Unlocks Guide by nayhem.

Note: Mod requires 1.50 patch. 1.51 is recommended. Otherwise best choice is to download latest BF2142 client from BF2142 Full features:. Bot support for all NS and vanilla maps X. Higher FOV (field of view) X. Increased sprint X. Balanced, more effective weapons X.

Passive SP unlocks X. AI for AT mines X. widescreen support X. Molokai and Yellow knife AI support (After project remaster release only) X. Longer staying dead bodies X.

Ffolkes Unlocks Bf2 Downloads

Improved body physics X. More accurate and deadly AI X. Ffolkes V2 unlocks integration X X work in progress X work done Mod installation: drop mod folder in your BF2142 mods folder. Then activate mod through BF2142 revive network.

Easy as never right? Misc note: many features of this mod come from Project Remaster mod to better test extra features and prepare the big project for more successful release. Possible issue with unlocks fix: if unlocks does not work, try to wait till second round. Some people reported this bug from Project Remaster alpha build. Make sure that you're connected to the Internet and use your on-line account (at least with 40+ ranking points) in order to access the customization screen. BF2142S.P.EX emerges from BF2142 SP, NSSP and Ffolkes unlocks. This mod is to deliver best offline gameplay experience without going too far from vanilla game.

For visual enhancement we suggest to download. Full credits: AI for maps by Clivewell, Kysterama, Winterhill Shanejohn, EzPiKnZ, PC Load Letter, $noop, Frank Beans and Dnamro Original mod coordinator - Andy. Update by SgtProf. Improved kits customization details: Ffolkes unlocks has been updated. Updated kits code supports ability to assign one specific attachment to assault rifle (Grenade launchers will always fit the rifle model now).

Bofors rifle is fully implemented to new kits system and is available for EU side. Physics/immersion improvements Dead bodies have weight tweaks and ragdoll improvements. They will fall more realistically and remain on the ground for 200 seconds. Bug fixes Fixed issue when weapon parts were cut due to camera issues. Mod will be more pleasant for large resolutions. Vegetation lods got major improvements and ugly looking distance trees are gone forever.

Bf 2142 unlocks

Lod update is also likely to reduce CPU lag. Misc improvements Increased sprint limit (10x longer sprint). Increased field of view to 1.25 what benefit in better visuals and chance to easier spot enemies. HD map preview icons. Mod installation: drop mod folder in your BF2142 mods folder. Then activate mod through BF2142 revive network.

Easy as never right?. Misc note: many features of this mod come from Project Remaster mod to better test extra features and prepare the big project for more successful release. Possible issue with unlocks fix: if unlocks does not work, try to wait till second round. Some people reported this bug from Project Remaster alpha build. Please report bugs and issues.

((((I created an Unlocks mod for Battlefield 2142 similar to the ones I did for BF2/SF. This mod has everything you could possibly unlock on-line (with the exception of the knife unlock since knives and pistols are removed). Because DICE made some major changes to the Soldier kit size in BF2142 I was unable to do what I had originally planned. On that note, however, I was still able to get all the unlocked weapons, tools, upgrades, and abilities into the mod. But I was not able to get every unlock into some of the kits for both armies.

There are some small differences between which army has the unlock. However, all the abilities or weapon upgrades that don't use a key index are included in both the EU and PAC armies depending on the kit (e.g. Stablizer, NetBat, Sprint, Endurance, Extra Grenade, and etc). See the attached kit description file for details. To use the Recon or Sentry drone you must use your 'cycle weapons' key (default is key F) to access since DICE did not code key indexes higher than 9. You must be a squad leader in order to use the Beacon, Recon drone, and Sentry drone.

You do NOT use the customization screen since all the kits are pre-loaded. )))) - FFOLKES Unlocks mod v1.06 1. Must own a legal copy of Battlefield 2142 and have it installed. Must have v1.06 patch installed.

Unzip FFOLKES2142Unlocksv1.06.zip to folder on your desktop. The zipped file contains the following: 􀂈 FFOLKESUnlocksv1.06.exe (Contains the Unlocksv1.06 mod only) 􀂈 Instructions.pdf 􀂈 KitDescriptions.pdf 4. Install FFOLKESUnlocksv1.06.exe by double-clicking the executable file. The install program will launch and copy the Unlocksv1.06 mod to your Battlefield 2142 mods folder directory. The install program will attempt to create a desktop shortcut pointing to the Unlocksv1.06 mod.

You may need to create or edit the shortcut in case the installer fails to read from the Registry the correct path to Battlefield 2142. The easiest way is to copy the default BF2142 desktop shortcut, rename the new shortcut, right click the shortcut, choose properties, and update the Target line. For example: Retail version 'C: Program Files Electronic Arts Battlefield 2142 BF2142.exe' +menu 1 +modPath mods/Unlocksv1.06 EA Link version 'C: Program Files Electronic Arts Battlefield 2142 BF2142Launcher.exe' +menu 1 +modPath mods/Unlocksv1.06 NOTE: You are at your own risk if you make any change to the Unlocksv1.06 mod or bf2142 mod files or folders.

FFOLKES Unlocks mod v1.06 NOTES: 1. This mod will not affect your BF2142 mod, any other installed mod, or on-line gaming since it is installed to its own folder. This mod allows you to play the default BF2142 Single-Player/Co-op maps and any custom BF2142 map with all the unlocked weapons, tools, upgrades, and abilities.

To install a custom BF2142 map just download, extract, and copy the custom map folder into the mods Unlocksv1.06 Levels folder. In game use your mouse wheel scroll or keys 1-9 to deploy a weapon or tool. To select the Recon or Sentry drone you must use your “cycle weapon” key (Default is key F) since DICE did not code key indexes greater than 9. You must be a squad leader in order to use the squad leader unlocks such as the Beacon, Sentry drone, or Recon drone. If you want to increase or decrease the number of bots in your Single-Player game just edit the aidefault.ai file found in the AI folder of the Unlocksv1.06 mod.

For example, if you want to play with 64 bots with expert level then make the following changes. BEFORE: aiSettings.setMaxNBots 16 aiSettings.maxBotsIncludeHumans 1 aiSettings.setBotSkill 0.4 AFTER: aiSettings.overrideMenuSettings 1 aiSettings.setMaxNBots 64 aiSettings.maxBotsIncludeHumans 0 aiSettings.setBotSkill 1.0 FFOLKES Unlocks mod v1.06 6.

If you want to increase or decrease the number of bots in your Co-op game just you have to edit the ServerSettings.con file in the default Profile directory. For Example: C: Documents and Settings FFOLKES My Documents Battlefield 2142 Profiles Default ServerSettings.con Change sv.maxPlayers 16 to sv.maxPlayers 32 (or higher) Save and make the file read-only. In the co-op options it will still show 16 players but in game there will be 32 (or higher depending upon what you set) 7. The un-install program does work and will remove the Unlocksv1.06 mod files from your computer. However, if you copied any custom maps or files to the Unlocksv1.06 mod folder you will have to manually delete the Unlocksv1.06 mod folder after running the un-install program. You may also need to manually delete the shortcut on your desktop. Make sure you post comments/feedback on the BF2142 forums and let all your friends know about FFOLKES Unlocks!

FFOLKES has also created the following Unlock mods for BF2: 􀂈 Unlocks123 mod v1.4.1 for BF2 􀂈 Unlocks678 mod v1.4.1 for BF2 􀂈 Special Forces Unlocks mod v1.4 NOTES: SinglePlayer, CO-op, and LAN USE ONLY!! No Multiplayer at this moment.