The Leipzig Connection Ebook Download
Author: Alfred A. Borrelli ISBN: 927 Genre: Psychology File Size: 68.54 MB Format: PDF, Docs Download: 227 Read: 571 A professional in the field of psychology with presents clearly and concisely an up-to-the-minute consideration of the treatment of alcoholism and drug dependency, while examining the validity of underlying treatment assumptions. “I wrote this book primarily for psychologists and psychiatrists,” says Alfred A. Borrelli, “since they are the major influencers in the chemical dependence field; my purpose was to change some of the thinking about assessment and treatment based on my very extensive experience of now over fifty years. There is a commitment to ideas, in all fields, that have outlived their usefulness.
The Leipzig Connection Pdf
I don’t mean that practitioners and academics have no right to keep those ideas that continue to work well; rather, I am offering a criticism of a conservative movement that has become comfortable with older ideas merely because they have a history.” In this regard, he has presented the long history of the psychological field from Plato’s time to now and, in the process, suggested why some fields need to change and why some are not aware of their own history. He believes that the ideas here are new and effective, and he has presented evidence for them, because science and scientists move from established facts to established facts, not from stubbornness or loyalty to a tradition.
The Leipzig Connection, by Paolo Lionni, ©1993 Heron Books -- 'In the final years of the last century, a great transformation began in American education.
“A final thought.” he adds, “about critical acceptance of these ideas. Any production of ideas can be criticized—it is easier to be a critic than a creator. As with all pursuits, whether academic or applied, an open mind is a prerogative for success. “with regard to what i have produced, it was not my intent to cover everything thoroughly, but to provide a thorough overview, for the professional especially. “Consider this work a beginning place for the average reader to understand many issues, as well as a continuing place for those who are highly informed and skilled.” Category: Psychology.
Author: Andre HECK ISBN: Genre: Science File Size: 69.29 MB Format: PDF, Mobi Download: 857 Read: 926 Strasbourg Astronomical Observatory is quite an interesting place for historians: several changes of nationality between France and Germany, high-profile scientists having been based there, big projects born or installed within its walls, and so on. Most of the documents circulating on the history of the Observatory and on related matters have however been so far poorly referenced, if at all. This made necessary the compilation of a volume such as this one, offering fully-documented historical facts and references on the first decades of the Observatory history, authored by both French and German specialists. The experts contributing to this book have done their best to write in a way understandable to readers not necessarily hyperspecialized in astronomy nor in the details of European history. Several appendices conclude the book: lists of council members and of Observatory scientific personnel, as well as a compendium of the institutional publications until the year 2000. Category: Science.
Author: Christoph Wolff ISBN: 108 Genre: Biography & Autobiography File Size: 58.92 MB Format: PDF, ePub, Docs Download: 877 Read: 1047 ASCAP-Deems Taylor Award winner A fresh look at the life of Mozart during his imperial years by one of the world's leading Mozart scholars. 'I now stand at the gateway to my fortune,' Mozart wrote in a letter of 1790. He had entered into the service of Emperor Joseph II of Austria two years earlier as Imperial-Royal Chamber Composer—a salaried appointment with a distinguished title and few obligations. His extraordinary subsequent output, beginning with the three final great symphonies from the summer of 1788, invites a reassessment of this entire period of his life.
Readers will gain a new appreciation and understanding of the composer's works from that time without the usual emphasis on his imminent death. The author discusses the major biographical and musical implications of the royal appointment and explores Mozart's 'imperial style' on the basis of his major compositions—keyboard,chamber, orchestral, operatic, and sacred—and focuses on the large, unfamiliar works he left incomplete. This new perspective points to an energetic, fresh beginning for the composer and a promising creative and financial future. Category: Biography & Autobiography. Author: Peter Auer ISBN: 734 Genre: Language Arts & Disciplines File Size: 32.96 MB Format: PDF, Docs Download: 649 Read: 629 Hermann Paul's Prinzipien der Sprachgeschichte served as the most important codification and development of Neogrammarian thought for more than four decades.
Four well-known linguists have translated specially selected chapters of the Prinzipien into English and provide their reflections on Hermann Paul's contribution on a range of topics. Category: Language Arts & Disciplines. Author: David T. Liebert ISBN: 740 Genre: Psychology File Size: 38.66 MB Format: PDF, Kindle Download: 712 Read: 1238 For most college and university psychology departments, the Introduction to Psychology course is the prerequisite course for admission into most other courses within the major. It is the 'gateway' course. A problem arises for many students who would like to take an advance level psychology course, but it has been quite some time since they completed their introductory course.
With the passage of time, many of the concepts and principles now seem hazy. The purpose of this book is to provide a resource for such students. This book is designed to help bridge this gap of knowledge.
Unlike a typical Introduction to Psychology textbook that is steeped in detail and designed for the student who has not yet been exposed to the ideas of the discipline, this book is a quick and basic review of the essential topics and ideas students need to be mindful of in their advance psychology courses. This book serves as refresher reading for the previous introductory psychology student.
Category: Psychology. Author: Ernest Newman ISBN: 696 Genre: Biography & Autobiography File Size: 59.29 MB Format: PDF, Kindle Download: 764 Read: 1206 Ernest Newman's four-volume Life of Wagner, originally published between 1933 and 1947, remains a classic work of biography. The culmination of forty years' research on the composer and his works (Newman's first Study of Wagner was first published in 1899), these books present a detailed portrait of perhaps the most influential, the most controversial and the most frequently reviled composer in the whole history of western music. Newman was aware that no biography can ever claim to be complete or completely accurate: 'The biographer can at no stage hope to have reached the final truth. All he can do is to make sure that whatever statement he may make, whatever conclusion he may come to, shall be based on the whole of the evidence available at the time of writing.' In this aim he triumphantly succeeds. Volume 1 covers the years 1813 to 1848.
Category: Biography & Autobiography.