Uk2000 Stansted Serial Killer
Just noticed something even weirder, if I start taxxing around the airport, frame rates clear up - even if I go back to the same gate I started. The DL looks awful now though as it seems to keep 'drawing' itself in and out. I haven't touched anything in the Nvidia control panel. The only settings I'm running is MSAAx4 with 4k textures and 16x Anisotropic. Nvidia Dynamic Super Resolution, SSAA and DSR are killers with DL enabled. Check if you have this enablesd on your Nvidia Inspector.
UK2000 Stansted Xtreme FSX 3.2. This software uses new methods and modelling systems which allows customers to make truly amazing airports. UK2000’s Stansted Xtreme v4 has been released on simMarket today. With FSX, FSX:SE, P3D and FS2004 compatibility; you cant go wrong! If you own their.
Serial Killer
Regards Simbol. Has the DL performance degraded in the new version? I fired up the NGX at the gate (Gate E4) at night and I'm in the ballpark of 3-8Fps. I've never seen less than 25-30fps on the same settings on 4.0.
I'm running AA on 4xMSAA, 4K textures and Anisotropic at 16x. I've seen a handful of other posts saying it wasn't fixed, but it sure seems worse to me unless I have my settings messed up somehow. When you first start up the sim and have this issue, pan around all the way to the left and right. This clears up the issue with DL.
I just did a flight out of KSFO just before dawn in the NGX and had 40fps at takeoff (all landing, wing, taxi lights on). When you first start up the sim and have this issue, pan around all the way to the left and right. This clears up the issue with DL. I just did a flight out of KSFO just before dawn in the NGX and had 40fps at takeoff (all landing, wing, taxi lights on).
This is a good advise, when I load the NGX I always switch to spot view and move my view all around the aircraft, this for some reason increase my FPS and leave the simulator in a much better performance state. I don't understand why thought. I try to think it is 'Magic' lol Regard, Simbol. When you first start up the sim and have this issue, pan around all the way to the left and right. This clears up the issue with DL. I just did a flight out of KSFO just before dawn in the NGX and had 40fps at takeoff (all landing, wing, taxi lights on).
Bob Yates Serial Killer
I have the same odd issue, at startup very low fps and GPU usage at 100%, pan around for a good 2-4 mins and eventually the fps shoot up to the normal range. Basically with aerosoft EGLL Pro and PMDG NGX I can depart in the night at 40fps and only 60% GPU usage I am using a 7700k @ 5Ghz, ASUS Strix GTX 980 and 1080p monitor with MSAA x4 (thought some airports I can do 2x SSAA) Me thinks its a bug or poorly optimized code. Isn't there a way to disable AA on DL?
Make it the last object rendered or something.
Serial Killer Town Of Salem
Just bought and installed this product and noticed something is very wrong because when I chose to start at Gate 1 I ended up in one of the car parking lots. I then tried Gate 2, 3, 4 etc and they are all messed up. I think I've found the culprit but I don't understand why this happened in the first place or what is the most proper way fixing it. I'm using GSX and when I chose to customize the parking position GSX reported that the bgl file in use was.FSX Scenery 0501 Scenery APX47120.bgl which as far as I can tell is the default FSX bgl. Any idea what might have went wrong during the installation because I can't recall I noticed anything out of the ordinary.
This is what it looks like from the top-down view when I'm positioned at Gate 1. Many thanks for your prompt reply Norman. Seems my problem is because during the installation when the Options program was launched automatically I chose to install the airline codes AFCAD and for some reason the correct AFCAD file was not installed. Now when using the Options program after the installation I see how the file ending with GEN is installed when I uncheck the airline codes AFCAD option but when checking the option thinking that would copy the TRM file into the scenery folder that doesn't happen. So for some reason checking the airline codes AFCAD option doesn't work. No big deal though since I do all my flying online on VATSIM.