Witchcraft Sort: Shows: 1 - 21 of 47, Page: 1. recommended Downloaded: 2 times Size: 1310 pages Download for @750 credits Encyclopedia of Witchcraft: The Western Tradition is the definitive reference on the age of witch hunting (approximately 1430. recommended Downloaded: 15 times Size: 580 pages Download for @500 credits A full-scale compendium of fact, history and legend, from original sources, about witchcraft and demonology, covering demonic possession and exorcism. An historical and human compendium, from original sources in the world's great libraries, describing the witches' sabbat and pact, incubi and succubi, eyewitness reports of trials, werewolves, and vampires, sexual relations with the devil, demoniacal possessions and exorcism, poltergeists, barbarous tortures, and the theological and legal theories of the inquisition, witchcraft, and demonology. Clarified by hundreds of illustrations, many reproduced for the first time in several centuries. Downloaded: 200 times Size: 119 pages Download for @500 credits Rare text that gives a variety of insights into creation of Thralls, secrets of Gypsy Sorcerers, dark Necromantic practices, potent magic and much more!

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The data in this book is authentic, many of the ceremonies were undertaken by young female witches and male students of the occult, under the supervision of an Occult Master. The results they established, and which are recorded in this book, can be achieved by anyone, providing that they have the nerve, patience and the ability to carry out the written instruction exactly. The phenomena, or magic, is the result of certain phase of mind. The ceremonies help to achieve this, much sought after, state of mind. It can only come through practice, incantation or ritual. In very rare case it can be spontaneously evoked by the subconscious mind. However, such spontaneously action can not be controlled, which is dangerous, whereas the achievement of the necessary phase of mind, through ceremony, is the result of a disciplined mind that is under control at all times.

Downloaded: 69 times Size: 146 pages Download for @500 credits The forbidden works of Chaos, Vampiric and Luciferian Sorcery. Containing a grimoire outlining the dark feminine current of HECATE, the book outlines the practice of Satanic or Luciferian Witchcraft from a Cunning craft viewpoint.

Witch Moon explores ritual and dream Lycanthropy, Chaos Sorcery and Luciferian Ritual practice. The foundation of Book of the Witch Moon is in the darksome practice of Vampirism and Predatory Spirituality. The Nine Angles and the Trapezoid workings, inspired by Anton LaVey and presented around the cult of Daeva-Yasna, the persian demon-sorcery of Yatuk Dinoih. Downloaded: 7 times Size: 195 MB Download for @300 credits An Absorbing Account of Witchcraft, Demonology, Astrology, and Other Mystical Practices Thoughout the Ages.

A look into black magic. Black magic is rooted in the darkest levels of the mind, and this is a large part of its attraction, but it is much more than a product of the love of evil or a liking for mysterious mumbo-jumbo.

The author /the creator of the text. Encyclopedia Witchcraft Demonology Robbins Pdf Converter. The encyclopedia of demonology robbins full witchcraft. Get this from a library! The encyclopedia of witchcraft and demonology. [Rossell Hope Robbins] -- A compendium of information on the history, practitioners, and lore.

It is a titanic attempt to exalt the stature of man to put man in the place which religious thought reserves for God. Downloaded: 119 times Size: 130 pages Download for @300 credits Many spells using oils, candles, dolls, seals and incense.

This book contains: Magical oils in the arts of sorcery, old New Orleans floor sweep, assure one's love, attack an enemy, bind an evil doer, break a spell, charm bag for prosperity, courtroom seal, defend against enemies, develop psychic powers, draw back a wandering lover, gain property and money, good fortune and wealth talisman, healing seal, love seal, protection from evil, triple action candle spell, safe travel, overcome jealousy, lift curses, luck in games of chance and much more!!. Downloaded: 11 times Size: 27MB zipped MP3, duration: 39.22 minutes Download for @300 credits Rare recording of an initiation rite into wicca performed by Alex Sanders, known as 'the most powerful witch in England.' . Downloaded: 50 times Size: 261 pages Download for @300 credits This 1986 classic is not only an excellent introduction to the Wiccan religion and earth-based religions in general, it's also a workbook that can take the serious student to the equivalent level of third-degree Gardnerian. Though Raymond Buckland was a student of the late great Gerald Gardner, this manual does not adhere to a specific branch or denomination of witchcraft, but rather seeks to teach the elements and philosophies common to all, whether Celtic, Saxon, Finnish, or what have you.

Buckland is credited with bringing the 'old religion' to the U.S., and covens and solitary witches practicing the craft in the U.S. Today have him to thank for getting it out of the closet. While Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft is a must-have for any serious Wiccan practitioner, it is full of down-to-earth spiritual wisdom, which makes it a wonderful addition to the library of any broadminded seeker on the path toward the One. Downloaded: 30 times Size: 186 pages Download for @300 credits This trusted guidebook by popular author Raymond Buckland has introduced candle magick to more than 300,000 readers.

From winning love to conquering fear, obtaining money to improving relationships, Practical Candleburning Rituals is filled with simple candle rites that get real results. Newly updated and re-organized, this edition includes thirty-seven rituals-adapted for Christians and Pagans-that can be performed at home with readily available materials. No prior magickal knowledge is necessary.

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Diagrams and simple instructions make this candle magick primer an ideal practical guide for beginners. Downloaded: 154 times Size: 62 pages Download for @250 credits Lewis de Claremont. The world?s only complete catalogue of occult recipes for use during ceremonial practice and in everyday life. Formulas include incenses, oils, sachet powders, perfumes and many others, as well as preparation instruction and guidance. Downloaded: 128 times Size: 188 pages Download for @200 credits Paul Hudson.

This book is a practical how to guide for those who are interested in witchcraft as a practice. This book is for those who are serious about witchcraft as a practical, hands on, practice. Downloaded: 7 times Size: 12 mp3's audio files Download for @200 credits This is a collection of 12 tracks consisting of spoken word instructions on rituals specific to seduction and influencing people in the paradigm of traditional witchcraft.

It also delves briefly into demonology. Introduction - Gods 2.


Self-Fascination Ritual for Increased Power 3. Isis Full Moon Ring for Magical Protection 4. Demon Spell for Energy 5. Orgies - A Tool of Witchcraft 6. Sun Sign Amulets for Spiritual Protection 7. Coleopterous Charm for Romantic Adventure 8. Turkish Bean Spell for Tender Love 9.

Seduction Spells from Around the World 10. Emotional Bondage Spell 11. Earthquake Spell for Unwanted Lovers 12. Witches and Wizards. Downloaded: 119 times Size: 3425 pages Download for @200 credits Highly recommended. Downloaded: 11 times Size: 1788 pages Download for @100 credits From shamanic shape shifting to food and drink, botanicals to sacred days, The Element Encyclopedia of Witchcraft - The Complete A to Z of the Entire Magical World is a fascinating and comprehensive celebration of all facets of witchcraft.

From modern Wicca to Egyptian sorcery, Toltec shamanism to African Voudon, author Judith Illes explores the history, folklore, spirituality, and practices of witchcraft and the occult. According to Judika Illes, there are many definitions and beliefs about what a witch, and witchcraft, embodies. In the introduction, she examines the many theories, definitions and attitudes that have accompanied this oft-misunderstood subject. Downloaded: 1 times Size: 249 pages Download for @100 credits The only single-volume, scholarly reference work available on this subject, this dictionary provides reliable information on magic and witchcraft for the entire span of western history, from classical antiquity to modern Wicca. Particular attention is paid to the history of witchcraft in Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries, the era of the great witch-hunts. recommended Downloaded: 604 times Size: 12 pages Download for @5 credits.

Downloaded: 32 times Size: 1 pages Download for @5 credits. Downloaded: 29 times Size: 729 pages Download for @5 credits by Heinrich Kramer and James Sprenger.

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The Malleus Maleficarum ('The Hammer of Witches',?Witch Hammer?, or the 'Hexenhammer') is arguably the most important treatise on prosecuting witches to have come out of the witch hysteria of the Renaissance. It is a comprehensive witch-hunter?s handbook first published in Germany in 1487 that grew into dozens of editions spread throughout Europe and had a profound impact on witch trials on the Continent for about 200 years. This work is notorious for its use in the witch hunt hysteria which peaked in the mid-16th through mid-17th centuries. Downloaded: 61 times Size: 45 pages Download for @5 credits The 'Demonologie'of James VI was an important text in the history of Scottish andEnglish Witch trials. James developed something of an obsessionwith Witches and of hunting them following a plot by the BerwickWitches to shipwreck him when on his way home from Denmark.Following this attempt James wrote the Demonologie and gave hissupport and whole-hearted approval to the attempt to try andexecute Witches within Scotland.

After he became King of Englandin 1603 James' book was then anglicised and reprinted in England. Downloaded: 14 times Size: 24 pages Download for @5 credits.

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Downloaded: 9 times Size: 3 pages Download for @5 credits Sort: Shows: 1 - 21 of 47, Page: 1. These documents are provided for information and research purposes only. Please be aware that Sacred Magick does not necessarily endorse or control the content of many of these documents, nor is it responsible for any claims, opinions or information accessed therein.

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