  1. Heroes Of Might And Magic Iv Cheats
Heroes of might and magic iv cheats

Setvar devconsolepassword = schwinge-des-todes Now, when you play a game, you will be able to open the cheat console by pressing the tilde key. (the tilde key is to the left of the number 1 and looks like this. Using Cheat Codes Once cheats have been activated, you can bring up the console with , type in one of the codes below and press Enter to activate it: Add Skill Points Cheat code: addskill skill name Note: a list of skill ID's can be found on the next page. Add Indicated Experience To Selected Hero Cheat code: addexp number Fill Hero Army With Creatures From Indicated Town Cheat code: addarmy town town number 0 or 1 Note: Town IDs are on next page.

Heroes Of Might And Magic Iv Cheats

Selected Hero Has All Spells Cheat code: addallspells Set Luck And Morale For Selected Hero Cheat code: setheroluckmorale luck number morale number Set All Resources To 0 Cheat code: clearmoney Set Gold Quantity Cheat code: addgold number.

Make a backup copy of the game before proceeding. You must edit a game file for these codes to work. Use a text editor to open autoexec.cfg which is in the 'profiles. Heroes of Might and Magic V. First Enable your cheats in the game (Pre-Patch) Enabling cheat codes in Heroes of Might and Magic V requires editing a game.